Seller Representation \ Buyer Representation

Mistry Law Representation
Real Estate

It’s really important to have proper representation when buying or selling real estate property. Mistry Law provides step-by-step counseling as you navigate through the transactional process of selling real estate or acquiring real estate. Mistry Law also provides a comprehensive understanding in regards to titling your property, easements, and convenience of ownership. During the transaction process, Mistry Law provides comprehensive counseling during closing and understanding all closing fees and closing costs. 

Advising Buyer Representation

Mistry Law can provide buyer representation by previewing the purchase contract or purchase agreement, performing title search and title examination, providing negotiation assistance, reviewing mortgage documents, coordinating closing date, providing escrow service, and closing service. 

Advising Seller Representation

Mistry Law also provides seller representation by preparing a sales agreement or sales contract, performing title search and title examination, title clearance, review of mortgage documents, coordinating closing date, disclosure compliance, escrow service, and closing service. Mistry Law provides closing services near me.

Summary Mistry Law Services Real Estate:

  • Title search is done by Title Attorney
  • Preparing sale contract is done by Contract Lawyer
  • Title examination is done by Real-Estate Lawyer
  • Preparing sale agreement is done by a Contract Attorney
  • Negotiating Assistance is done by Real Estate Attorney
  • Coordinating close date
  • Escrow service
  • Closing service